Two weeks of winter break more like two seconds of winter break

 Hey hi hello!

If only I had one more chance to spend my winter break again...

Despite this whole ‘IB stuff’ I was really trying to handle, I found some time to do the ‘CAS stuff’.

First of all I realized, that cooking and backing is my new passion, and I started being quite good at this. Unfortunatly, everybody makes mistakes and the first cake I made in 2021 was a TOTAL failure.


Apparently, this was supposed to be Karpatka (Polish Carpathian Mountain Cream Cake or something like this)

But I decided that I can't give up, so I came back stronger with drożdżówka and three dinner meals made completly by myself. I also made this cool macaroni-zucchini-red pepper casserolle, my favourite lasagna (and I'm getting almost a Masters degree in doing it, she's so beautiful) and some meatballs and doing them was more like between trying not to poison my family and to not put the kitchen on fire. 

Anyway, cooking made and still makes me realize how patient and carefull you need to be and that practise really helps and makes perfect. I hope I still be able to continue my cooking career and I soon will be able to do Karpatka without failure hahaha.

O, and my friend Ola and I did also this cool, fancy looking meal when I visited her!

We had a lot of fun while doing it. It taught us how to manage our time, because we had to make dinner so that we could eat it while watching ski jumping!

When I was with her, we also did something, I hope so, service releated. But for that I have to tell you my background story. My sister does great hybrid manicure and my friend Ola decided, that she would also like to do so. Because of the fact, that I had my nails done plenty of times by my sister, I remembered the process by heart.

So I gave Ola my nails, so she could practise. While she was doing them, I gave her all of the tips my sister gave me, so that she could improve herself. And there she is, with advices I gave her, the nails she made me lasted longer than two days! She claims that now she knows how to do this better and hopes that one day she will became a master.

And if that wasn't enough, I showed her little sister how to play some chords on ukulele she got on christmas and I hope I helped her more than little.

This activities taught me nothing more than patience and that sometimes it is good to stop being perfectionist and actually help someone by telling them how to do some things and not getting angry and doing everything by myself.

And because of the strange circumstances of snow falling in January in Poland (I'm just kidding) I helped my parents remove the tones (maybe not, but it felt like this) of snow which was laying in front of the garage. I was so excited to do so (I never had an opportunity, last time when there were as much small was when I was a little kid) that I accidentaly put on my rain-proof jacket. I was still hot in it.

For my greatest surprise, the snow didn't melt yet, so I was able to make more and more things.

My sister and I made a snowman and started to doing the second, bigger one. Unfortunatly the second ball was to heavy for us and we had to ask our dad to help us. Now, that the temperature is significantly lower, it is impossible to finish him, so we have to wait. Again.

And what is better than a cup of hot tea after hours in snow? Nothing. Except experimenting with it. And this is one of my absolute favourite hobbies. It's so relaxing, but it is easy to put to much spicies in it. Patience, patience, patience and practise. I personally love adding fresh fruits in my tea. I wonder how pears would taste in tea.....

At the end of my winter break, I went for a walk with my sister and my father. Not only was that a cool bounding experience, but also something challenging. I forgot how hard it is to walk in snow, when it reaches above your ancle. STRANGE. Nature is cool, but not when you end up soaking wet. I hope I won't get a cold.

For me, it was really cool experience, because I focused on living my life only with my family, having no mobile phone with me. It was really cool to feel again like a child in snow, without checking every five minutes what is going on twitter.

Unfortunatly, because of pandemic, I was not able to go skiing with my family and friends. And I really regret this. But it also made me realize, that winter breaks without going somwhere are boring for me and there is no need to complain that I would really much like to stay entire two weeks at home. I really miss skiing.

Let's just hope, that the second semester will be better.



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