‘Why do you write like you're running out of time?’

Hey fellow people!!!

Like Leslie Odom Junior sang in Hamilton ‘Why do you write like you're running out of time?’ I am writing, but not essays against slavery (what a shame, I would rather write those than the ones I have to write and am not saying, that I would like to discuss situation with them and I am not saying, we should not be talking about this, however, I would like to get back to my cas.

Let me start with service. November and December were really productive. My friend and I decided to took part in Szlachetna Paczka. It was really  an amazing experience, collecting all of these necessary things for the family of our choice. Because of COVID, we collected more money than products, so Ola and I had to go shopping. Never in a million years could I imagine how much time is needed to plan the shopping list and spendings.

Then, we met with our friends in school to prepare these gifts to go. It took us three hours, PLENTY of wrapping paper, boxes and tape. We end up having 33 big packages. I can’t even say how incredible experience was doing this. And I not only completed my service, but also activity, as we were carrying this incredibly heavy boxes, and somehow creativity by wrapping them (you have no idea how complicated is to pack BIG boxes).

Moving on to creativity. Yes. Yes. I did something. Maybe it is not big, but I LOVE the results

We made some gingerbread cookies. Okay, some of them weren’t as good as others, but I made SKI JUMPERS!!!!!!! And I love ski jumping. The problem with them was that I didn’t have the craving form to crave them, so I had to use my fingers! It was time-consuming, but the results were worth it. And what is more, I spent some incredible time with my friend making those!!

The other thing I did with my fingers were Christmas cards for my grandparents. I absolutely hate doing things like that and I still have no idea why I did this. But from what I know, my grandparents liked them (but they are my grandparents, they are biased).


As I said, not my best work. I still don’t like doing things like that, even if I try. Despite the fact, that it might develop my manual skills, I give things like that 1/10.

During the wintertime it is always good to practise on my guitar. I participated in my music lessons and now I can tell that I almost can play Every Breath You Take!!! Ouch, my fingers....

Oh, and I almost forgot! I started (finally) writing my novel for the writing competition! I have to admitt that 1 am truly is the best time for my inspiration to come, even though my sentences aren’t particularly clear and pretty... here, have some insight.

I sorry if the quality is bad. On the other hand, we can call it copyrights hahahaha!

Moving on to the activity.............. 

I would say it was mostly walking a long distances. I still went on my ‘private gym’ a few times, but especially at the end of the semester it was really difficult to find time for yourself, and when I found it, I was to tired to do some exercises. So I also started to stretch a little, so my back wouldn’t transfer into a rock. And I can finally touch my knees with my head! Great job, Ania, you’re a gym master!

Walking with my parent was cool. It also resulted in my ideas for my future-to-be stories (or I hope so) and it was cool to forget about the school for a little bit (I can’t believe I just said that).

And, and, and, the newest number of our school newspaper with me as an editor! Cool thing to do on the last day of school on 6 pm, when all members of your family are resting. Nah, I’m just kidding. I love to do this. Even if I have to send mail to my polish teacher about the number at midnight and she responds immediately...


Click here to read! 

Oh, and I almost forgot about the carting shop race my friend Ola and I had! It was really cool experience to run on the empty parking with shopping carts! And I have to brag, I won, despite the fact, that I was wearing high heels! 

We, after the race. R. I. P. quality, I know.

Anyways, I’m heading my imaginary world with Taylor Swift in my headphones (God save the queen) and I hope my CAS experience would only grow and I will have more tasks (I don’t know what is better - long experiences or bigger number of those, because this time the category number 1 won).

Have a good one!!!


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