I did some things


I have to say, end of september and all october were VERY productive for me. If I had to picture every single photo of me doing activity, this diary would be only with pictures of myself doing something for 10 times,. That's not the point of doing this.

I spend like 4 hours on the elliptical cross trainer (actually I'm going to work out on it after publishing it, CAS has to be done). I never thougt this would be sooooo difficult. Do you know how hard I have to fight to get up, dress in my sport clothes and go to the other part of the house?! Of course, there is always some kind of satisfaction after the training, but I don't think I really like this. 

Me :)

I think, that I might have half of my hours of Creativity done. I love that I don't have to force myself to do this, it is basically my way of relaxing.

First of all, I actually learned how to knit. It was a really nice procces, I definetly had to face some problems with impatiency... Anyway, I spend amazing 7 hours knitting and I have to say, despite my lack of manual skills (I have like -10, but I am very determinated to do everythig PER-FECT), they look pretty impressive. Here are the results.

My future-to-be scarf

I know this is not THAT great, but I think I did a good job as a begginer.

Second of all, I started my adventure as "The greatest cook of all time". To be honest, I never thought that cooking and baking involve so much concentration. One minute of checking social media can cost one's lasagne...

Yes, I decided to make dinner for my whole family. And definetly baking & cooking are my shots. It take me a while, I must say, but I love the results.

And you know what also was great? And I'm not talking about baking for my family... I made a tutorial for my friend on how to make the perfect scrambled eggs. She loved it and it made me so satisfied that I had the opportunity to "help" her somehow (even though we were not allowed to see each other because of the whole "pandemic" stuff).

me in kitchen

I have to say, it was delicious........

Carrot cake I made.....................

Due to the COVID-19, we are not allowed to do much with others, co service is very difficult to do. So I decided to help my parents in cleaning the garden. I have never done this before so I had some fun. It was actually a great bonding experience (because we usually do not have time to spend it all together). Watching how leaves and sticks burned, I started to thinking on how quickly the life is going (and I watched an old series from my childhood, it also had some influence) and it made me realize how much I love fall, hallowen, 1st of november (which is actually an All Saints Day).

Helping my parents in our garden (despite working only for 2 hours) made me realize how much hard work they have to put in rasing me and my sister, working and keeping the house clean and beautiful as it is. I really respect them.

That's all for now, the rest of my october/november actions will be in the other post. Have a great one :)


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