I finally and trully feel that it is fall...

Hello. It's me.
I was wondering if after all these years you'd like to meet.

I have to say, I spend a great time with my mum. We went for an one-hour walk and it was a great bounding experience. Walking with her, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic made me realized how lucky me and my family are, to live in the countryside. It is easier for us to find isolated place, where we are safer than people walking in the cities. I have to always remember that one.

 As for my creativity, there were a lot ot writing in my free time. I wrote an "essay" about definig "home" for a competition (btw I got dstinction :)). It made me realize how hard it is to trully define things that are "normal" for us and how underrated they sometimes are.

Link (again, in polish), if you would like to check :).


Writing this was very (VERY) hard and took me like 2 hours. It may seem "Hmm, essay about home? How hard it can be?". Actually, I recomend you to try and find out, that is actually VERY difficult.

Another thing I wrote was about the protests, that are happening in Poland, about the abortion law. This one was a lot of easier to wrote, especially because I was writing it in fury. It helped me realize, that I actually might have some political vievs.

I wouldn't say it is appropiate to show it, but here you have the extract:

"Nigdy nie chciałam wyjeżdżać za granicę. Kochałam swój kraj, kochałam ludzi w nim mieszkających, dalej go kocham. „Jeśli coś kochasz, daj mu odejść”. Właśnie nie, trzeba walczyć, walczyć ile sił, rozdzierać swoją koszulę jak Rejent, odkrywać swoją pierś jak Francja. Jedynym wyjściem jest rewolucja. Rewolucja, która zbierze krwawe żniwa, która tylko czeka, żeby rozprawić się z niesprawiedliwością. Rządzący nie mogą nas dłużej ignorować, udawać że nie istniejemy, że to nasze prawa to jedynie wymysły."

Oh, and I also started to drawing. It still is not perfect and takes A LOT OF TIME (these took like 5 hours, why did I thought that it takes a very little time?!). But to be honest, it helped me stress out a lot and improve my manual skills.


Hermione Granger and Draco Malfoy from "Harry Potter" (but I helped myself with countouring these guys) - still not finished

Doctor Doofensmitz and Perry the Platypus from "Phineas and Ferb", frog from "Peppa Pig", random flower and Barry B. Benson from the "Bee Movie"

What else have I done? I finnaly finished creating the school newspaper. I have to say, it is a hard job, pulling all those people together and give them tasks, so that we can have our newspaper before the end of the world. It helped me improve my communication skills, though. I can't wait to set up another number of it and i hope this won't take as much time preparing as the first number took (seriously, 3 hours of just putting it all together... i don't know if it was my lack of skills, perfectionism or a lot of work to do. And I also have to remember about my 1,5 hours just contacting with my crew.....).

Here is the cover from this number, which (I hope so) will be published this monday.

Have a good one guys, wear the masks and stay safe!


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