CAS update, but there is zero bug fixes, only some patch notes

 Sul sul!

I have an enormous urge to play the sims 4, especially after this big update that just came out. But what can I say, Internals won't finish themselves, Phyta on biology test won't recognize itself, and of course someone has to compleate CAS.

If I had to choose one thing I am the most proud of, while doing this two month cas, I'd say it was definetly skiing with my family and friends. We were lucky enough to experience this before the lockdown was announced in Austria  AND we had an Independence Day in Poland, so why not to have a little snowy escape? From this experience I definetly learned that you have to be thankfull for every oportunity to do something away from home, especially during the pandemic. Also, that believing in yourself and trusting your abilities really can help you enjoy what you are doing. I thought that after such a long break my skiing skills would be worse, but they turned out to be actually quite okay. And while you enjoy it, you still have to be carefull while skiing, especially with many people on the slope, since it is really easy to get into an accident. But overall, I think I developed more self-preservation and definetly self confidence while speaking in another language (yeah I haven't really got an opportunity for quite a long time).

And while skiing was the best part of my CAS this two months, it couldn't be the only source of it.

As for service, me and my friends decided to advertise our subjects taken on different levels. Our audience was a lovely class of pre-IB students, who were a little bit confused with the classes. I mean talking in public (like giving a speech) is not really my favourite thing to do, blabling to them about my subject not only helped me overcome my little stress about that (speaking about myself and things I do really helps sometimes), but it helped me reflect on my time spent in IB. Therefore not only I could maybe help someone who struggled to pick the 5th subject, but also really think about whether the subject I have is really tough and difficult, or I just like to talk about it that way.

I feel like these reflections are based mostly on service. And I think that is a really good thing to do, especially with Christmas around the corner, making this Christmas spirit appear again.

And I mostly think about that, because a week or two ago my friend and I have met the loveliest old lady on our way to school. She was struggling with her way from the corner of her block to the nearest bus stop. Having a little spare time, we decided to help her and she was sooooo thankfull. I've always been told that it is nice to help some old ladies, but I've never experience that. And it was, well, quite a fulfiling experience. I finaly thought that I, as a youth representative, could do something meaningfull to an elderly, who is not one of my granparents or overall family. I think that everyone should have an opportunity like that at least once, you know just looking at life from the perspective of someone with big, and I mean like really big, experience.

Also, I helped, my friend's classmate with her math homework, And I usually percieve myself as a person who sometimes struggles with maths, it was fullfiling to see that explaining something, that I thought was only necessary for my exams, actually brings out something to my life. Just a simple feeling of fullfilment. And a lot of patience. God, I really am glad that I am not a teacher.

As for creativity.
Doing the school newspaper, that's the usuall, but this time not as a head of the newspaper, but as someone who actually had to retive from being a some kind of CEO. That's sad. I guess. The fact that IB stopped being fun kinda hurts. But hey, writing an article for the newspaper is still cool!

And the second thing was writing my Internal Assessments.

Kidding, Although I really do think that they can be percieved as part of creativity in CAS. Think about it. You have to 1) come up with a topic 2) know what you want to write about and 3) actually write something that either has maximum 12 pages or 2200 words (I'm looking at you, my  b e l o v e d  History IA).

But to be real. The second thing is the thing called Ławka Spotting Bydgoszcz. And I know what you think, what can a group on facebook that is about posting photos of benches possibly have in common with creativity. Well, I can't possibly say that it is only about taking some photos. It is about percieving the world by looking onto simple things, like benches. Because who would have thought, that those simple things can evolve so much, that they can actually portray famous people, achievements or simply just people's creativity. And while this group not really focusses on the quality of the photos, it is also about thinking about long, funny yet smart captions that fully express our feelings not only about a particular bench, but also about the way that we percieve world.


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