I swear, October was like two days ago.


So I'm finishing IB. Yeah.
I mean I don't really know what to think at this point. I swear that those two years passed like two weeks. That's crazy. I can't really explain everything that goes in my life. I just haven't got the words I guess. So without further ado, let's recap what I did from January to February.

Internals. Internals. Internals. I just mean that my mathematical exploration was giving me hell. Not to talk about other ones, which actually made me cry.

However at the beginning of January I managed to complete some activity. I just mean that skiing is more than just a sport to me, at this point, it's a lifestyle. ESPECIALLY, when I go skiing with my family and friends. Despite bonding with each other, we learn to plan our day on the slope in the way in which nobody would feel left out. It is important to fully understand the skills and mental boarders which every one of us has. I feel like talking was the easiest way to do so. However, also by being a risk taker, while I agreed to go on a more difficult slope that I felt was a little to much for me, I exapanded my ability to manage in different situations and improve my skills. For example, despite having a mental blocade, my family persuaded me to go on the FIS slope in the village I stayed in.

me :)

The other thing i did, continously, is riding on the stationary bike in my home. The thing is, my parents got it, because my mother needed it to excersise with her knee, after an unfortunate fall on said ski trip to Italy. And while I don't have a photo of me on it, I fell like it was a good preparation for the upcoming bicycle season. Luckilly, I will have more time this year, since I don't see any internals, EEs, orals, or other not that pleasant things on the horizont. However, I didin't really commit to my CAS recently. The vision of finals was to close and I am still far behing schedue.

As for creativity. I wrote some articles to the school newspaper, which were a little out of my usual area of expertise. Which is cool, since writing something you are not used to. And creating a text for the school newspaper, while not being the main editor was something entirely different than before I was the main editor. Surely, I had to adapt under the new rules, but being a journalist and the main editor gave me the outlook on how things work in journalistic environments. 

A small, but still pretty creative thing that I did was to make funny valentines cards that I later sent to my friends. I think that apart from using various techniques on the computer, it helped me realise the true meaning behind this holiday. That it not only celebrate romantic love, but also the platonic one. I think that seeking meanings after some holidays, sometimes can help decide one's point of view. And by conversations with my friends after my reflections, I came to realization that not only we have to seek some meanings, but we should talk to the people more, to understand their view on some holidays, not only considering the culture, but also our experiences that influence our perceptions.


As for service, I focused mostly on helping the people in my environment. Making quizlets for my clasmates to study was one of those things. I feel like especially in the times like those, it is important to stick together to acheive a goal, which is the diploma. By creating this small comunity, in which various quizlets and notes are exchanged, we demonstrate our skills and recognize the benefits of working together, what is seen in our grades. 

Moreover, despite the limited amount of time, I couldn't stay put in the time of war in the Ukraine. Even though all I did was donating some stuff, like clothes and food, it still does not feel enough. Spreading informations about what happens is also one of the ways of helping people there, but I still know that I didn't do as much as many people. Due to the extreme shortage of time (LESS THAN 1 MONTH TO MY FIRST EXAM!!!!) I've  decided to engage more in helping the people from the Ukraine, since it is a very importnt matter to our global comunity.

As for my plans after the IB, that is sleep of course, but I really hope that I will continue doing things simmilar to CAS.

Best regards and may the best HL win.


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