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I swear, October was like two days ago.

 Hi. So I'm finishing IB. Yeah. I mean I don't really know what to think at this point. I swear that those two years passed like two weeks. That's crazy. I can't really explain everything that goes in my life. I just haven't got the words I guess. So without further ado, let's recap what I did from January to February. Internals. Internals. Internals. I just mean that my mathematical exploration was giving me hell. Not to talk about other ones, which actually made me cry. However at the beginning of January I managed to complete some activity. I just mean that skiing is more than just a sport to me, at this point, it's a lifestyle. ESPECIALLY, when I go skiing with my family and friends. Despite bonding with each other, we learn to plan our day on the slope in the way in which nobody would feel left out. It is important to fully understand the skills and mental boarders which every one of us has. I feel like talking was the easiest way to do so. However, als

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